Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Demention Catalyst

Marble sized entheomechanical device available as either an oral suspension or a suppository, used for induction into the Delirium Forge.  Accepted into the bodyform of the psychonaut, the DC disperses a dosage of the proprietary entheogen Pseudoveritum Ecstasis™ (PsE).  Contained within the liquid suspension of the PsE are a number of nano-machines known as Multi-lobe Modulators, which attach to specified areas of the brain via blood cells.  As the PsE takes effect, a carefully regulated electrogravitetic charge is fired at the subject by a Grosveldt Void Inductor.  Acting in sympathy with the brain cells, the MlM form an what is basically an alternative nerve schematic controlling brain function.  Upon completion of the "re-wiring", the subject experiences the /psyche→/thrust/ that is indicative of successful induction into the Delirium Forge. The /psyche→/thrust/ has been variously described by those who have experienced it as, “. . .like drowning in cold, black water. . .” or, “. . . like fuckin’ Dante, man, like, you know, like goin’ to Hell and shit. . . fuckin’ awful. . .”, or, in stark contrast, “. . .beautiful, a living dream. . .floating through galaxies, at peace. . . and very erotic.”.

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